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Hearing Dogs act as their partner's ears to listen out for important sounds.

Hearing Dog

Hearing Dogs are highly skilled and well-trained working dogs that provide support for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, transforming their lives and offering peace of mind to their human partners and their families. Every Hearing Dog is selected and trained according to the specific needs of the individual with hearing loss.



Enhance Safety

and Security

They keep watch day and night, alerting their partners to crucial warning signals like fire alarms and cries of help from loved ones. In addition to offering peace of mind, they provide a potentially life-saving service.

Improve Independence

They increase their partners’ awareness and independence towards the environment by alerting them to sounds that their partners may otherwise miss. By observing their dogs in public, their partners can also perceive important information about their surroundings.

Emotional Support

Through constant companionship, guardianship and love, they help their human companions leave vulnerability, loneliness and isolation behind, give them confidence to engage with peers, family members and the larger community, and reconnect with life.

Vital Tasks

Hearing dogs are trained to perform specific tasks to help their partners have greater awareness of their surroundings and to keep them safe. When they hear a sound they are trained to recognise, they nudge or paw their partners to get their attention and then show them where the sound is coming from. The tasks are chosen based on their partner’s individual needs. Examples of these vital tasks include:


Danger Alert

They alert their partners to crucial warnings such as fire alarms, smoke or carbon monoxide detectors, home security alarm or even cries of help from loved ones. This is especially useful at night when their partners may not be able to spot visual alarms or have removed their hearing aids to go to sleep.

Hearing Dogs can alert their partners to crucial alarms
Hearing Dogs are taught to recognise important sounds for their partners


Sound Recognition

They notify their partners to important sounds used in everyday life, such as doorbells, knocks at the door, alarm clocks, incoming text messages and phone calls, oven timers, or even the calling out of their partner’s name.


Hand Signals

They can be taught to respond to hand signals or specific sign language for individuals who are non-verbal. Hand signals can range from basic obedience commands to specific tasks required by their partners.

Hearing Dogs can understand hand signals of their non-verbal partners

Hearing Dogs serve as their human companions’ ears as well as provide the added benefit of acceptance and companionship. By alerting them to things in their surroundings, they help their partners to keep safe, grow in confidence and gain independence, improving quality of life and offering reassurance to their loved ones.

Are you ready to consider how a Hearing Dog can change your life? Get in touch with us and we will be glad to answer all your questions on Hearing Dogs and how one can join your family.

© 2024 Bark of Duty - Elite Dog Training Solutions

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